Fearless meets the 70’s
1970’s style is one of my all time favorite trends and I am SO thrilled it’s come back around for 2018! I love that the 70’s trend is always Sunday brunch ready, sassy, casual, edgy, all mixed together with an unlimited amount of unexpected prints. It’s a trend that can set the mood for the entire day, free spirited -meets- determined!
I had fun styling this textured printed cross body, snake skin boots-with a colored heel, a neutral faux fur jacket while finishing off my look with a vintage tee (vintage; as in- 2002 Bahamas family vacation tee). The coolest part about the 70’s trend is, almost anything goes. My creative heart explodes when I can freely mix unexpected patterns, prints and textures together and make it work! (Plus, for any of you that may know me, I truly love a good challenge and to prove someone I CAN do something! Especially with fashion -colors and prints) AND this same rule goes for YOU, too. Be daring and challenge yourself to embrace this trend and step outside your comfort zone.
I reconnected with an old friend the other day and I had mentioned that God has been opening up some unexpected doors for me to start speaking on different platforms in front of people. As I was sharing, I explained how sometimes I feel some fear surrounding me. Now, yes, I do have a lot to say when I speak, but that doesn’t mean I don’t get nervous as all heck each time with fear trembling deep into the core of my bones. Fear is real (even though it usually stems from a LIE) and it can be paralyzing. However, that doesn’t mean we can’t do things afraid!!! Confidence doesn’t mean you don’t have fear, it means despite the fear you still stepped out boldly and loudly! So today, who ever is facing fear in their life, reject every lie, push it out of your eye sight and step out boldly! You won’t ever regret facing fear head on, but you will regret bowing down to the FEAR and not doing something because of it! I believe in you, you got this.
“Be strong, vigorous, and very courageous. Be not afraid, neither be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” JOSHUA 1:6-9
Shoes: A’GACI
Faux Fur Jacket: ZARA
Jeans: RAG & BONE
Glasses: VINTAGE